All the pools in Austin! Pool one: Barton Springs.
All the pools in Austin! Pool three: Shipe Pool.

All the pools in Austin! Pool two: Dottie Jordan.

Dottie Jordan Pool is a short walk from my house, so even though it's not terribly exciting as far as pools go, it's one of my all-time favorites. It's pretty great to be able to wander down for a quick dip on a hot afternoon, walk home, and get on with my day.

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This year's Memorial Day flood brought Little Walnut Creek up through most of the park surrounding it, washing away the chain link fence and filling the pool with debris and filthy water. 


Ewww. Photo by Mr. Krotpong

The city hustled to put up a temporary fence and clean the pool, and they managed to get it running just a couple of weeks after it was supposed to open for the season. This was a pleasant surprise; I thought for sure given the extent of the damage we'd be neighborhood-pool-less all summer.

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The pool: A simple 'L' shape with a deep end and a shallow end. It's not very big, so the water is tepid by July and almost hot by August. Much of the water is shaded by cedar elms and pecan trees, though, and bobbing around in the shade is rather pleasant. The water can get hazy with sunscreen at the end of a busy weekend, but on Friday afternoon it was clear and blue.

There's a baby pool, too, which is usually open.

Lap lanes: None. They used to have lap swim hours in the mornings, but that was eliminated this year as the city cut hours to save money on lifeguards. You can carve out a spot for yourself when the pool first opens if you're really determined. Otherwise, forget it.

Vibe: From tranquil to rambunctious, depending on the time of day. There are lots of unattended kids at peak times, and the lifeguards preside over them with exasperated good humor. Last time I was there, there was a massive game of Marco Polo going on in the shallow end. One kid kept yelling "Ralph Lauren!" instead of "Polo!" There's always a wise guy.

Facilities: One rickety picnic table and an outdoor shower faucet to rinse off with is about all you'll find here.

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There are restrooms too, but I'd wait until I got home.

Details: Free. 2803 Loyola Lane. Closed Wednesdays. Closes for the season August 16, which is way too early, considering it's still a trillion degrees outside. Ah, well. See you next year!


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